About Me
I grew up in Wenatchee, Washington. After several years abroad, I finally made my way back to the northwest and settled in Portland, Oregon, where I live with my husband and three children.
The Solomon Stone is my debut novel. Prior to the outbreak, I enjoyed skiing, the theatre, eating out, bookstores, shopping, and being the only person in Portland who doesn't like to run. Since March, I spend my time watching YouTube, eating, and homeschooling.

Other tidbits:
Thanks to my obsession with British TV shows like Black Adder and Horrible Histories, I can list all the UK monarchs in order from William the Conqueror to Elizabeth II. I cannot, however, name even the first ten US presidents. I mean, I could get the first three, because, Hamilton, but after that...
Although I love books, I hardly ever read them anymore. Instead, I listen to audiobooks incessantly. When I lived in Moscow, Russia, it was hard to get books in English. Desperate, I started downloading audio book files and I've never gone back.
Rikki-Tikki-Tavi by Rudyard Kipling was my first Favorite Book, after my first grade teacher, Mrs. George, read it aloud to my class. It was one of the first books I bought to read to my own kids.